Friday, May 25, 2018

Most Valuable Part (MVP) of Girl, Interrupted

In my English class we read a Novel named Girl Interrupted.
We had to make a writing of what we thought was the  Most Valuable Part of the story.
This is my MVP.

Girl, Interrupted is a  memoir by American author, Susanna Kaysen who is also the protagonist and narrator of this book. Girl, Interrupted begins in April, 1967, as 18 year old Susanna Kaysen is admitted to McLean Hospital after attempting suicide by overdosing on pills. This is roughly the same time that she has a sexual relationship with her high school English teacher, and breaks up with her boyfriend. She has also been engaging in self-harm and has problems with memory loss. Although she denies attempting suicide, a psychiatrist convinces her to spend a few weeks at McLean, a private psychiatric hospital with a good reputation. However, soon after being admitted, Susanna is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. This allows the doctors to forcibly extend her stay from a few weeks to eighteen months. During this time, she gets to know other patients including  Torry , Polly, Cynthia, Lisa Cody, Georgina, and Daisy. One of the most prominent patients is Lisa Rowe, a charismatic sociopath and long-term resident at the hospital. She frequently makes escape attempts, but is always brought back, and the other girls on the ward look up to her. Some of the girls are released during Kaysen’s time in the institute. The patients are devastated when they get word that Daisy, a sweet, thin girl with an eating disorder, has killed herself soon after her release. As well as her fellow patients, Susanna also introduces the reader to many of the staff at McLean. She gets along well with no-nonsense head nurse Valerie, but tends to clash with consultant psychiatrist Dr. Wick.

In this book it is really hard to chose what was the Most Valuable Part (MVP). For me one of the most valuable parts was Torry and  her story. Some people think that this was just an extra character for the story. I think that Torry made the girls see their world a little different. Torrey was a new patient from Mexico with an amphetamine habit, joins the ward. Torrey’s parents blame her for her addiction and the troubles in their family, including her mother’s alcoholism. Torrey is happy to be at McLean, away from Mexico, drugs, and her abusive family. Eventually, Torrey’s parents come to take her home, and Lisa hatches an escape plan. The girls pool their money while Lisa causes a scene to ensure that Torrey will travel to the airport with only one nurse. Torrey is uncertain and scared, despite Lisa’s assurances. But Valerie is a step ahead of Lisa and gives Torrey Thorazine, a powerful sedative, to keep her from running away. In a way with her actions Torry made the girls think something different. I think that with Torry the girls got more together on helping others.

Two Truths and One Lie part2

 For my English class I had to do 2 paragraph of  true live events and one fake 😊
 This is what I come up with

 I will talk about myself but some of this is a lie. I love listening to music all the time. Whenever I can I play my guitar. I even took a music class in high school. It was pretty fun. I like going to concerts. I have gone to many and of many artist. My favorite band is Reik. they are a mexican acoustic band. I have many other bands and singers that I like, but I could say they are my ultimate favorite band. I follow them since I was 4 years old. This year I had the opportunity to attend to a concert of them and hang out with them.

 I am always talking with everyone. I really do not pay attention to important things and events. I really do not like school and mexican music. I am always hanging around with friends and disturbing others. My favorite color is black. I dislike being with my family. I love tattoos. I actually have one on the back of my left ear. It is just like the singers Maluma crown tattoo. I had it made  in my 18'th birthday. And I decided to had a new one done just a little after my high school graduation, This time I choose to have it done on my left ankle.

 I love being with my family and friends. I am the oficial babysitter of my family. I take care of babies and children. Some I have taken care since they are a few days born. I love kids and babies. I think I will be a pediatrician. Maybe. Or a teacher. If I  decide to change in to the teaching profession it will be for preschool,kinder or elementary teacher. Because my love for children is big. I also like animals. my favorite animals are horses,tigers,cub cheetahs and dolphins. I have had some interaction with this type of animals and that is why I believe I would like to have it as one of my options.  

Now can you choose which one is a lie in which one is true?

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Cousin Tattoo

Hi everyone , long time ;
On this post I will show you something  I did for my English class .
For this work I had to write about a tattoo , and this is what I did  for the first part 😊

    Have you ever been intrigued by a tattoo? With this I mean if you have ever seen a interesting tattoo that you want to know what it means. Even way did the person chose to have that tattoo done in his or her body. Well I have and not just one time.
The one that I remember the most is one of a family member. One time my cousins and I were talking about way people have tattoos. Up to what I knew no one of that group had tattoos . One of my cousins told us he had one on his chest close to his heart . He said it was a tattoo of 3 roses. We did not believe him . He said he had done it when he was studying at a university. Now I was intrigued and wanted to know more about it. Way three roses? What was the meaning behind it?

He said it were his mom and two sisters. I was like "that is interesting. " His moms name is Rosa. He says that his mom and 2 sisters are the most important thing for him. With that tattoo he will always in a way have them with him. I think that what my cousin did is really sweet ,even though I personally do not like tattoos. I do not have a picture of his tattoo, but this is kind of what it looks like. I got this picture from the internet.