Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Cousin Tattoo

Hi everyone , long time ;
On this post I will show you something  I did for my English class .
For this work I had to write about a tattoo , and this is what I did  for the first part 😊

    Have you ever been intrigued by a tattoo? With this I mean if you have ever seen a interesting tattoo that you want to know what it means. Even way did the person chose to have that tattoo done in his or her body. Well I have and not just one time.
The one that I remember the most is one of a family member. One time my cousins and I were talking about way people have tattoos. Up to what I knew no one of that group had tattoos . One of my cousins told us he had one on his chest close to his heart . He said it was a tattoo of 3 roses. We did not believe him . He said he had done it when he was studying at a university. Now I was intrigued and wanted to know more about it. Way three roses? What was the meaning behind it?

He said it were his mom and two sisters. I was like "that is interesting. " His moms name is Rosa. He says that his mom and 2 sisters are the most important thing for him. With that tattoo he will always in a way have them with him. I think that what my cousin did is really sweet ,even though I personally do not like tattoos. I do not have a picture of his tattoo, but this is kind of what it looks like. I got this picture from the internet.

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