Sunday, September 30, 2018

Summary of Research Article


In this section of Community Profile I will show you some of the work I have been doing as part of an essay for my English class.

Here it is a summary I did from an article.

  In the article “Los Tigres Del Norte” by Jason Birchmeier we learned more about their beginnings and there career of this legendary band. This article is like a biography . No norteño act is more renowned than Los Tigres Del Norte. This group is configured by fore brothers and their cousin. They started with six members. The group members are Jorge Hernandez, Hernan Hernandez, Eduardo Hernandez, Luis Hernandez, and Oscar Lara. There were other two members in this norteño band, who were Raul Hernandez and Lupe Olivo. They left the group to make a solo career. Los Tigres Del Norte left their hometown in Rosa Morada Mocorito Sinaloa Mexico to search of a better future for their family and themselves. Before being Los Tigres Del Norte an immigration official named them “little tigers” because they were kids. Los Tigres started a new never none kind of music. One of there most known type of music are corridos. Corridos is a type of music that describes the problems of society or story of a person. Los Tigres Del Norte have more than fifty years of career , many awards and have help our community.

The Anecdot


          I started knowing everything that Los Tigres Del Norte did like when I was like eight years old. They started there career at a really young age. The oldest one was approximately forthine years old. I mean can you imagine all the things that they had to do being just kids. Being away from everything you knew and your family I would say could be the hardest thing. Changing the smell of your mom's food to the one made in a country you did not now . Looking at a whole new world hearing people talking in another language you barely understood. Remember all this being teenagers. At the beginning I thought that there career was awesome and it is. I mean being able to travel all around the world . People from different countries singing your songs and telling you that you have save them in some way should be the greatest thing. I mean they even had a sort of type of concert in a airplane. So it is literally singing in the sky. Having arenas sold out just of people that want to listen there voices and there love songs and corridos. With all this Los Tigres Del Norte have managed to as people say keep their feets on the ground and help many other people.

         As Jorge Hernandez the lead singer from Los Tigres Del Norte says ,“Dando amor a las personas que tratas y nunca humillar a nadie vas a optener solo cosas buenas.” In other words he means that giving love to people you meet , being humble and treating everyone with respect will make you will receive only good positive things towards your live. I think this is something they really put in action. Los Tigres Del Norte is a group that is also known for being humble and always finding a way yo help people with foundations, chereties, concerts, campaigns, and all sort of things.

Friday, September 28, 2018


Community Profile - Freewrite - Music

We all have someway think that being part of a band or being in the music industry is the easiest and fun career in the world.  For some people it can be this way. On this Community Profile I will try to explain you the good and bad thinks there are in this or of this career. This time I decided to write about this because even that it is not something to detect with the community it is something that gets us all involved. I will talk to you more of a legendary Mexican band , but some things can fit to all of the musicians in general. This band is Los Tigres Del Norte. Maybe you can say that I can not really talk about them because i am not exactly from there generation , but I admire there career and everything they have done.Los Tigres Del Norte are a classic regional mexican norteño group. They have about fifty years with their career. Los Tigres are from Sinaloa ,Mexico but currently live in California. I decided to write about them because how they have been all his years being a public figure there are one of the only ones I can say know about everything , good and bad things. Yes I do know them pretty well in person that you wouldn't believe , and it is a long story. I think that this affects me and many people in different ways. I think that what is happening now on the music industry affect us all. Most important for some of us just by being Lattin's we get bullied and if you add listening to some type of music you get stereotyped .As I already mention there are a band that has done historical things. There one of the only groups that have really help lattin people , and more immigrants.  They have done some massive movements to help people. Well in this essay I will tell you about them , how they have contributed to the community and there good and bad moments.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

“Geraldo No Last Name”

Holaaaa 😉

This time I did something like a review that I will share with you. We did it in my English class of a story by Sandra Cisneros  that I really liked and enjoyed. 

😁Ready or not here it is😏

“Geraldo No Last Name”
Sandra Cisneros

In the little story “Geraldo no Last Name” by Sandra Cisneros we learn what happens between  Geraldo and Marin. In this story Geraldo's character dies. In one part of the writing Cisneros mentions that “they” never saw certain aspects of Geraldo. With the word “they” I think she means the people in the hospital and people around . With this I mean that for the people in the people in the hospital, nurses, doctors , and for all , Geraldo was just one more patient. For the people that  saw whatever had happened to him “they just look at it as poor guy what a bad luck ” and did not do nothing to help or know more about him. Marin says she can't understand way he metter so much for her if she just meet him once. I think she was concern about Geraldo because they could have knew each other more . In this story she feels a sort of guilt in a way because she did not paid him more attention. It could be that Marin feels more of a mixture of feelings, but I would say it could be something normal. For the rest of the people Geraldo was a normal person who unfortunately had this accident. Marin fealted something more, something special in a way that not even she could explain . At the time that this happened Geraldo did not had any identification papers with him. This is one of the reasons the title of this story is “Geraldo no last name,” no one had a way of knowing more information of him. In the story it says that Geraldo is a brazer that did not speak English. They said that he was an illegal immigrant. For this case he was just one more guy lost in society. In my point of viewing things there are many other reasons a person can be lost in society. I think that even just by not being as social like the rest . You may pass your live as an invisible for the world. Personally I think that this is something that as a whole society we should not allow. No one  should live as an invisible.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Book Out Of My Past

😊Hello 😚
 In this post I will tell you about a book I read and it is one of my favorites. 

Book Out Of My Past

     A Book that I remember the most from my past is The Diary of Anne Frank.The author or this book is Anne Frank. I have read this book about 3 times. The first time I was in 7th grade . It was in my english class. The second time I was at the beginning of my high school senior year as part of my  english class. The third time was just last year during the winter break. I read it again because I felt that I need of reading something that will help me arcuate what I have . Starting with my freedom. 

The three times I have read this book it traped me a lot. I think this book is surprising. I knew somewhat of her story before reading this book. Two of the 3 times I read it because a teacher asigned it. Once I read it alone just because.The Diary of Anne Frank, is a book by Anne Frank . She wrote it while she was in hiding for two years with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. I remember this book because it's really catchy . Is inspiring and heartbreaking. Since I had already read the book by the time I saw the movie I understood it more.I could not mention only one part that I liked of this book. I like all the parts were Anne was happy. One of this parts could be when she started "dating" Peter Van Dann. I would recommend this book to anyone in the class because it is interesting to learn more about things that happen in history . More because we read it from a girl that was there ,and lived everything. I also recommend the movie of Anne Frank. This movie shows you more about her live, it shows important things about the diary.

Thursday, September 13, 2018



Hi ladies and gentleman long time. On this post I will show you a work I did on my English class.  I did a movie and a famous person reviews.

Ya Veremos

In the movie “Ya Veremos”   the main characters are Santiago and his parents; Santiago lives with his dad. One day Santi's dad notice that something was bad with him they decided to go to the doctor to check. Santiago is getting blind the eyes doctor wants to make him a surgery to save his vision .Santy has a half probability of getting completely cured or losing all his vision with this probabilities he makes a list of all the things he wants to do. Santiago wanted to all the things with his mom and dad , with some trouble they did almost everything even a trip to Acapulco were Santiago's parents fell in love , but Santiago escape to “La Quebrada.” He lost his view ,so they had to make him an emergency surgery. After everything, Santiago was able to see good again and everything was perfect again.
Famous Person Reik
Reik is a pop band from Mexicali B.C., Mexico.The members are Jesus Navarro , Julio Ramirez, and Gilberto Marin whom started officially in 2003. There first album was named Reik too from 2005 which gave the band there first hits “Yo quisiera” , “ Sabes” , and more.They have been nominated for fife times to Latin Grammy Award and fourteen times to Premios Lo Nuestro they won a Grammy in 2009. Reik was  in the Viña del Mar International Song Festival in February 2015 and  won the Silver and Golden Seagull after their presentation.They have 5 studio albums and 2 live ones, this albums and there singles have been in the top places of some known world wide lists . I know Reik in person and they are really sweet and gentlemen.