Friday, September 29, 2017

Different Definition of True Love

     True love is a really strong feeling for other person, but is not just for couples, true love can be expressed in different ways .For example the love for your family, love for your couple and many more types. When you really love someone you don’t want to stay only one night, you want to stay forever. In every movie we watch true love is about protecting each other even in hard circumstances.

I think the most important scene in “Ghost movie” is when they are sharing a final kiss at end of the movie; because even when they are realizing that it is his time to go to heaven, they know that their love will be forever. This movie is about true love that last eternally because he is always trying to protect his girlfriend even when he is a ghost, and even when they are not together, they still loving each other, “When you are dead, it’s over; but when you are loved, it’s forever. We think that the love that a child have towards his / her parents and the parents to their kids is the most pure type of true love.  In the movie “Under the Same Moon” Rosario makes a difficult decision to leave her little son with his grandmother and cross the border illegally. This sacrifice was for the sole purpose of giving her son a better life from the United States. The true love of a son is not compared to any other love. There are so many ways to describe the true love of a son because is pure love. With the saga of all the ‘‘Fast and Furious’’ you can see many different meanings of True Love. First of all, the main examples are their love and loyalty to their friends that they called family. No matter the circumstances they were always together. You can see on ‘’F8’’ that Toretto gives his back to the family. He does so because he needs to save his baby from Cipher the villain. Even though that none of his friends knew what was happening they helped him getting save. There he also sees the true love that Toretto shows for the baby.

This I believe: Even though there are many different types of true love , it is still hard for some people to feel it .In the end, True Love can be like gold, it’s very precious and it’s really hard to find. All the characters in the three movies were very fortunate to find people that really showed fidelity and respect for them, because true love makes you feel blessed.

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