Saturday, June 2, 2018

Table of Contents


Una Rayita Mas Al Tigre

“Una Rayita Mas Al Tigre : Expressing Love “


    This post will be of a work I did for my English class . I had to talk about a Tattoo I had or really like.  So this is the Tattoo and what I did.

      Tattoos are a body art that expresses many feelings and things. For some  people their tattoo is a sign of honoring a loved one, expressing feelings in a different way or represent something meaningful, every tattoo has a reason and a purpose and represents something really special for its owner. I do not have any tattoos on my body, but I know many people that do. There are some people that tattoo their pets, others just do symbols and/or phrases. Tattoos are a way to show the world in a different way who you are.

 I know a young man that has a tattoo of his tiger. He said that the meaning of his tattoo is love, power, sacrifice, determination, and a way to remind him to never give up. His tiger tattoo is located on the upper side of his right forearm. The tattoo is half of a face of a Bengal Tiger. If you see it from far distance you would think it is just a black tattoo, but once you get closer you can see that it is a really detailed tattoo. The stripes of the tiger are in black, there are in a tilted shape so it looks like the fur. The most catching part of his tattoo is the eye of the tiger. It seems super realistic. It has some kind of green, blue, and white mixed colors. It looks like it is really looking at you. At the beginning I did not understand the way he decided to make that tattoo. After he explained me his reasons I thought it was something really sweet for him.

My friend decided to get this tattoo to symbolize love. He said that with this tattoo he always feels the company of his pet wherever he is. Years ago he had a Siberian tiger, but after his first birthday they had to be seperated. Now he has one bengal tiger,  another siberian tiger, and two jaguars. I think he also made the tattoo in memory of his first baby. I did see a change in my friend’s self-esteem after having that tattoo done. He has always been a happy guy, but now he is super positive, also super in to gym and sports. He has been one of the only people that I have seen with this change after a tattoo. I have met other people that even get like a type of depression after the tattoo. Maybe it is because it did not end up as they wanted or they weren't one hundred percent sure of getting a tattoo done. That is why you have to think more of what you would do with your body.

I choose to write about this tattoo because I think it is a really different, surprising and even sweet tattoo. Some people think of tattoos as something that is just of style or do them just because. Others are totally against them. As of my point of view I do like to look at some tattoos, but I would never have one done on me.  I think it is unnecessary to go through so much pain on our bodies. I think I will only have one done only on very extreme condition were I have to cover a permanent scar or to suit something with a need, by prescription only. I think tattoos are a body art that expresses many feelings and things if people know how to make them.

Visual of My Final Essay

Summary of Research Article

💕 Holis 😚

This was another summary I did for my english class . 

      In 10 Pop Culture Icons Who Will Make You Rethink What It Means To Have OCD by Lindsay Holmes I learned a little more of the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ,also I learned of some artist with this disorder. Although we sometimes see artist as perfect humans thinking they have awesome lives on this article we see some of them that have OCD , and how they find there way too controle it with the eyes of the world on them. Up too December 12 2017 that was when this article was updated more than two million americans are suffering  OCD. People with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder have frequent upsetting thoughts that are known as obsessions. To get the thoughts and anxiety off ; they repeat some “rituals“. Even though Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is now known even with artists some people do not want to accept they have OCD and get help. The writer here explains the cases of Leonardo DiCaprio , David Beckham, Justin Timberlake , Jessica Alba , Megan Fox , Charlize Theron , and many more. Leonardo DiCaprio said that he remembers starting with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder behavior as a child. His first memories is of him stepping on cracks on the street as a “repetitive ritual .“  Justin Timberlake in 2008 said he struggles with OCD and ADD. ADD is Attention Deficit Disorder. David Beckham confessed in 2006 that he suffers from OCD, noting that he has a compulsive need for everything to be in a proper place. Jessica Alba in 2011 explained in an interview that her OCD about checking doors and appliances used to bring intense anxiety. She said “it was like a panic come over me and I had to do something, and once I did it, I was OK. ... It was really me needing to control something.” Lindsay Holmes explains how and when many more artist said something about there Obsessive Compulsive Disorder . With this article Lindsay Holmes tries to make us to rethink what it means to deal every single day of our lives with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

When Cheers Turn to Abuse Summary

💛 HI 😚

Another work from my english class for this one I had to make a summary / essay of an article we read in class. 

What would you think could be the consequences of offending a player on a game? If you go to any type of game the audience is mean with the players.Well that has been my experiences. On the article "When Cheers Turn to Abuse, Colleges Need to Take Action" we read about a College game case. This was that Oregon students targeted UCLA player an Oregon high school graduate who was now playing in California. In the game most of the students screamed at him really bad things. Some of the worst insults were directly to Love's family . His grandmother cried when the students  chanted " whores " at the family.

I personally do think this behavior is too over the line. Maybe in some cases this can be something normal. I would say that if you are going to attend a game at a  high institution you should act with a good manner. Well I think this because anywhere you go you show what you are and the values your family and institutions have teached you.

Even Though that some places this is normal that people treat the players bad I am in favor of a consequence of this behavor.One god example of this are the mexican soccer games. If you have seen this games the fans scream bad words at the goalkeepers. Maybe in this events it is already like a tradition.